
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Magazine flowers

Here is a super easy and cheap way to decorate!

Magazine flowers-

What you will need:
Ruler or something square to use as stencil
Magazine pages
Glue ( I used hot glue because it was faster)
Something to use as a stem. I used straws because that is all I had and I think it gave it a little fun feel.

Depending on how big you want each petal, measure out a square from your magazine page. I used a frame to help me that measured 3.5" by 3.5"

Start with your square.
Fold paper in half

  Bring the outside corners up to touch the tip of the triangle. Here it is displayed sideways.

Again, fold the outside corners into the center

apply glue in between the creases when you fold them over. 

Take three or four completed petals and glue them to your stem. 
I fastened the stems together using a flower ring that I had, but really anything will do. 
This is really only if you want to make more than one / a bouquet.

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